Thursday, July 11, 2013

"In the footsteps of the Lord": exhibition for World Youth Day / « Dans le sillage du Seigneur » : une exposition pour les Journées mondiales de la jeunesse

“In the Footsteps of the Lord” is the title of the exhibition which will accompany the 28th World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. The exhibition, organised by the John Paul II Youth Foundation of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, will be open from 9 July to 12 October in the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes in the carioca capital.

“In the Footsteps of the Lord” presents a series of works, objets d'art and manuscripts grouped into four sections: “Christ, the way of salvation”, “Vocation and mission of the Apostles”; “Mary, the road leading to Christ”, and “The saints: models to emulate”, all inspired by the theme of the World Youth Day, “Go and make disciples of all nations”.

“Christ, the way of salvation” includes works on the life of Jesus, the passion and the resurrection, Thomas' disbelief, and the parables of the adulteress and the good Samaritan, as well as an important section dedicated to the image of Christ. The exhibition opens with the celebrated Mandylion of Edessa, venerated as an acheiropoieta or image made not with human hands, regarded as a true image of the Saviour. The exhibition includes other prestigious works by, among others, Beato Angelico, Melozzo da Forli, Leonardo da Vinci, Bernini, Correggio, Guercino and Lorenzo Lotto, whose “Christ and the Adulteress” was recently restored by the Vatican Museums. The Christological image of the Turin Shroud will also be displayed in the form of the photograph taken by Secondo Pia in 1898.

The works in the second section are linked to the theme of the call of the Apostles, such as the diptych of St. Peter and St. Paul dating from the third and fourth centuries, on loan from the Vatican Museums, and works by Pomarancio and de Ribera.

The section dedicated to “Mary, the road leading to Christ” juxtaposes works from both eastern and western traditions: Byzantine icons are displayed alongside Pinturicchio's celebrated “Madonna of the Window-Sill” and works by Michelangelo, Sassoferrato and Perugino.

Finally, the fourth section consists of depictions of the most renowned saints.


« Dans le sillage du Seigneur », tel est le titre de l'exposition organisée à l'occasion des 28e Journées mondiales de la jeunesse à Rio de Janeiro par le Conseil pontifical pour les laïcs (Fondation Jean-Paul II pour la jeunesse). Du 9 juillet au 12 octobre, au musée national des beaux arts de Rio, l'exposition propose des oeuvres et des documents regroupés en sections intitulées : Le Christ, chemin de salut; Vocation et mission des apôtres; Marie conduit au Christ; Les saints, modèles à suivre.

« Le Christ, chemin de salut » présente des expressions de la vie de Jésus : la passion et la résurrection, l'incrédulité de Thomas, la parabole de l'adultère, le bon samaritain, l'iconographie du Christ. Au premier plan, le Mandylion d'Edesse et une reproduction photographique du Suaire de Turin, des portraits de Fra Angelico, Melozzo Da Forli, Mantegna, Léonard de Vinci, Correggio, Bernin, Le Guercin, Lorenzo Lotto (le Christ et la femme adultère, récemment restauré par les Musées du Vatican).

Les autres sections proposent notamment le célèbre diptyque Vatican du IIIe - IVe siècle des apôtres Pierre et Paul, ainsi que des tableaux de Pomarancio ou de Ribera, et des représentations de Marie allant des icônes byzantines à Pinturicchio, Michel-Ange et Sassoferrato.

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